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Clueless at the Portal - My First App Registration

You like clicking stuff, right?!

A person is interacting with a ridiculously complicated chart on a whiteboard. AI-generated art produced by OpenAI's DALL-E model

This is a step-by-step guide to every click that you need to configure your first application registration in the Azure portal.

You'll configure permissions for your application to read user and group information from Entra ID, using the Graph API.

You need to have already signed up for an Azure tenant, and have superuser access, but otherwise you don't need to have configured anything.

Create an application registration

Start by logging in to your tenant in the Portal. Then click "Entra ID" to go to the Entra ID home page for your tenant.

A screenshot of the Azure portal highlighting the "Entra ID" button

Take a look at the menu on the left hand side of the screen here.

These are collapsible options, with lots of thing hiding inside them.

If you can't see "Enterprise Applications" on the left-hand-side menu, click on the word "Manage" to expand all of the sub-options.

Now, it turns out that some of the stuff you want to do is under "Enterprise Applications" and some of it is under "App Registrations".

Just take a moment and feel the zen of the world with me. Don't worry about why there are two different places for this, just be still and know it is thus. Remember, you are a peaceful fluffy cloud.

So, from the left-hand menu, click "Enterprise Applications".

A screenshot of the Entra ID home page within the Azure portal highlighting the "Enterprise Applications" button

Once there, click "New Application".

A screenshot of the Enterprise Application home page within the Entra ID section of the Azure portal highlighting the "New Application" button

We want to be able to write our own application rather than picking one from the shelf, so click "Create your own application".

A screenshot of the "Enterprise Application" "New Application" dialog highlighting the "Create your own application" option

Now give your app a descriptive name and once again confirm that you don't want anything to do with the "Gallery".

(Does the middle option do something useful? Who knows, I didn't click it! We end up getting where we need to be by selecting the bottom option from the list here, "Integrate any other application...". )

I called my app "asdf".

A screenshot of the "Enterprise Application" "New Application" dialog highlighting the name of the application and showing which radio button to select ("Integrate any other application...")

Click "Create". You will be taken to the home page of your new Enterprise Application.

Add application permissions

Now you need to set some permissions to allow the application to interrogate our Entra ID.

The permissions that you will need in order to read all information about users and groups are sensibly called:

  • User.Read.All
  • Group.Read.All

I'll walk you through the process of adding the User.Read.All permission. You can then repeat the same process to add Group.Read.All in the same way.

Start by clicking "Permissions".

A screenshot of the "Enterprise Application" home page of the new "asdf" application, highlighting the "permissions" option on the left hand side menu.

Amusingly, this takes you to a page that explains that you can't do what you want here.

Instead you need to click a link that will take you to the permissions section of "App Registration".

So, click that, as the Portal instructs!

You are a cloud.

A screenshot of the "Permissions" bit of our "Enterprise Application" telling us we need to click something else, and showing us where to click.

Finally the good stuff. Azure has been helpful and sent you to a place called "API Permissions" within an "App Registration" that corresponds to the "Enterprise Application" that you just created.

It even has the same name as your Enterprise Application!

You're going to add permissions to read information about Entra ID Users and Groups.

So click "Add a permission"

A screenshot of the "API Permissions" bit of our "App Registration" highlighting the "Add a permission" button.

Ignore all options, click the big "Graph" button at the top.

Do not be distracted. We only ever care about Graph.

A screenshot of the "API Permissions" bit of our "App Registration" encouraging us to add permissions other than Graph. Don't fall for it, click Graph!

Again, Microsoft attempts to distract you.

Do not worry about delegated permissions right now. All you need to know is that you don't want them.

Select "Application permissions".

(Basically, if you don't select "Application" here, you'll only be able to act on behalf of some other user that's logged in some other way. What other way? Who knows?! For the Classic API Experience that we know and love, select Application. Don't come crying to me later if you don't select "Application" here. You know what you did.)

A screenshot of the "API Permissions" bit of our "App Registration" encouraging us to add "Delegated permissions". Don't fall for it, click "Application permissions"!

Cool, you avoided most of the obvious the traps. Halfway there with the clicking.

Now you've exposed a list of possible permissions, that you can search for the particular permissions you want.

A screenshot of the "API Permissions" bit of our "App Registration" encouraging us to add permissions other than Graph. Don't fall for it, click Graph!

Click in the search box and start typing "user.". When you see "User.Read.All" check the box next to it and click "Add Permission".

A screenshot of the "API Permissions" bit of our "App Registration" encouraging us to add permissions other than Graph. Don't fall for it, click Graph!

That didn't actually add the permission of course, that would have been too easy.

You have now reached the dark heart of this process, a web page so fiendish that even the most insane minds in the darkest sub-basements of Microsoft HQ would melt if they tried to comprehend it.

If you want to try and understand what you are looking at, take your time.

Your character will lose 1d6 sanity points.

When you're done, click "Grant admin consent for Default Directory".

You are a beautiful cloud.

A meaningless web page. The correct option to click is highlighted.

Some kind of dire warning is displayed, presumably as a way of decorating the web page. Whatever it's asking, you're fine with it. Click the button to dismiss the decoration, labelled "Yes".

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

Now, and only now, the permission is added.

Repeat this process to add the Group.Read.All permission.

Create a client secret

I guess we're done with that so it's time to create a client secret.

Go back to the Entra ID home, then to App Registrations (NOT Enterprise Applications!). If you don't see a list of applications, click "View all applications in the directory".

Click your application from the list to go to that application's home page (so you're at the same place you were before you started adding permissions).

From the same left-hand-side menu that contains "API permissions" (under "Manage") instead find the option for "Certificates & secrets" and click that.

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

Select the "Client secrets" tab and click the "New client secret" button.

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

This will "pop in" a dialogue from the right-hand-side of the page where you can enter some information about the new client secret.

Pay particular attention to the "Expires" section. This looks like fertile grounds for future foot-shooting opportunities. For now, just remember that at some point your secret will expire.

It looks like the maximum valid duration is 2 years, so hopefully that will give you enough time to complete this tutorial.

Click "Add" to create the client secret.

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

Now from the list of client secrets you can see both the Client ID and the Client Secret. Make a note of them in your copy book.

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

There is one other piece of information that you'll need to communicate with the Graph API using this client which is the Tennant ID of your tennant. You can see that by navigating to the "Overview" of Entra ID ("Home" -> "Entra ID" -> "Overview").

A meaningless warning. The correct option to click is highlighted.

Now we're ready to talk Graph!

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